Friday, September 27, 2013

Overseeding Practice Facility tees and par 3 tees

We took advantage of the rain earlier this week and got our rye grass seed down on our tees. The rain helps to get the seed worked into the Bermudagrass and saves us from having to run so much irrigation. The rain was not supposed to be here until Wednesday afternoon, which was our closed day this week. So the plan was to scalp the tees on Tuesday afternoon and drop the seed on Wednesday morning.  Well it was raining when we got here on Tuesday morning so that plan had to be changed. It rained on and off all day on Tuesday so we decided to try and scalp the tees and drop the seed right behind the mower on Tuesday afternoon. It was hard, wet work and we had to take extra precautions to keep the seed dry but we finnally got it done about 5:00 on Tuesday afternoon. Here are a few pictures of the whole process. You can see we do two double pass clean up laps and then 2 directions to fill in the tees with the drop spreaders. You can actually see the rain coming down in the last 2 pictures.