Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tower view from #11

Wednesday update

 T & B arrived on Monday in the rain with all of their supplies for the towers. They have set up 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10 at this point and they are steady working.
Here is the tower going up behind 9 Green.
Here is the view from the tower on #7.
We have also been working hard on the golf course. Here Billie is putting a good edge on the bunkers.
And here is Chris spraying greens. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Quick update

We finished up adding the sand to all of the bunkers last week. We do still have a few to pack, but as long as we get a good week in this next week, bunkers should be perfect for the Big Break Invitational. We have also been getting in some of the loaner equipment from John Deere. This coming week will be crazy. The crew will be here to start putting up towers Monday and that will last all week. More loaner equipment will be delivered from John Deere and Club Car. The giant tent for volunteers will be going up behind the clubhouse tomorrow as well. Golf channel production trucks will be rolling in towards the end of the week. We are in the final stretch and I feel like we are in a good position at this point.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Tournament prep update

Here is another quick update on a few of the things that we have been doing getting ready for the Big Break Invitational. Starting last week and continuing into this week we have been capping all of our bunkers with fresh white sand. We are not taking any sand out, only adding 1-2" as needed to give them all a fresh look and provide consistent playing conditions everywhere. This is no easy process; the sand is hauled out, dumped in and then spread by hand.

After the sand has been spread out evenly the bunkers must be packed. Normal rainfall, raking, and foot traffic will compact the sand over several months if the bunkers are left alone. However, we do not have several months, more like several weeks, so a plate compactor is used to help firm up the bunkers. They must first be hand watered and then compacted.
We have also been double track mowing our fairways a good bit trying to get the 6-12 stripes burned in a little better. Straight lines with good contrast look better for television. We have also been doing a lot of spraying of fertilizer, pigments, and primo on fairways.

Our shop is also showing signs of the coming tournament. Two crane trucks are already here and it seems like something new arrives everyday.
These last few are just a few pictures of the golf course. We still have a lot of things that we want to get done over the next 2 weeks but we do think it is coming together nicely.