Thursday, February 18, 2016

Winter Projects

Even though it has been a very wet winter and we are overseeded we have still found a little time to complete a few winter projects.

Back in December we installed some drainage around the 150 pole in #3 fairway. This area has been doing much better since then.

We also installed a new drainage line between the cart path and the tee on #17. This is an area that has been wet for a long time and it will be nice to have it dry this year.

Also on #3, we added a new drain basin about 75 yards out on the right hand side, in the rough. This area catches a lot of runoff water from the hill to the right of the path and everything on the right side of the hole from the green. We installed the drain just outside of the fairway to try and catch as much water as we could before it traveled across the fairway to the large basin in the middle of the fairway. We still plan to come back sometime and install some French drainage from our new basin up towards the green, but for now this is helping to keep the fairway drier. You can see in the last picture that it is working and it is catching most of the water that used to travel across the fairway.


Thursday, January 14, 2016


Well it has been quite some time since our last post here on the blog and there was good reason for it. After the decision to overseed fairways was made, I wanted to make sure that we got it up and established before we started talking about it or putting pictures of the golf course up. 

Some of our notes about the process:
  • We dropped seed on November 23rd and 24th. We did 4 holes late Monday afternoon after play and the rest on Tuesday (our closed day)
  • We did all fairways and green surrounds. The only tees that were overseeded were par 3 and the practice facility tees (which were actually done back in September)
  • Our first mowing was on 12-10-15
  • We had mowed 4 times as of 12-21-2015.
  • From 12-21-15 to 1-1-16 we received almost 12" of rain and we did not get to mow anything until 1-6-16 and then 1 time this week because of the cold weather.
  • I can 100% say that the overseed is helping us dry out some from the rain. There is no way that we could have been off the path with out overseed but with the ryegrass out there we were off the path a few days last week and we are currently off with just a few hole restrictions. 
Here are a few pictures: