Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Painted Logo

During this years Member-Guest Tournament we had a little surprise for the players. Back in the winter our assistant equipment technician George Reynolds made us some plywood stencils with our company Duck logo on them and this was our first chance to use them. We placed them in a few different areas around the golf course and got some good feedback from the players. Even though they are made out of a full sheet of plywood they do look a little small once you get out on the golf course. Who knows maybe in the future we will go bigger.......For now here are some pictures of what we did for this years tournament.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sod work in fairways

Last week and early this week we really worked hard on getting all of the weak areas fixed in our fairways. We had a contractor to come in and help us strip and lay most of these areas. We stripped and laid about 2/3 of an acre of sod and added drainage on 2 different holes in 5 days. The machine that was used to strip and prep the areas was very impressive and made it look very easy. These areas look much better than they did before and they should grow in very quickly.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Taking out a few trees

Last week we took down two trees on the course that had out grown their current areas. The large Elm tree on the left side of hole #6 and a large Water Oak tree on the right side of hole #16. Both of these trees were spilling out into the fairway effecting shots and we had a very hard time growing any grass close to these trees.



Thursday, May 7, 2015

Warmer weather

This has been by far the best weather week that we have seen on the golf course this year. Warmer temperatures and plentiful sunshine have helped us start growing some grass. It is not secret that our fairways came out of the winter a little thin in some areas. This was mainly due to the frequency that we received rain this spring. Some of these areas have been wet since the first week of February and are just getting dry this week. The photos below show what a little warm and dry weather will do for us.

#3 on 3-31-15

#3 on 4-14-15

#3 on 5-5-15

#5 on 3-31-15

#5 on 4-14-15

#5 on 5-5-15
We still have some areas to sod and some areas to get grown in, but I feel much better than I did 3 weeks ago.